About Me

About Me

My Drive

I'm a photographer with a drive for helping others market themselves and their passions.

Our shared goal is to create images that show not just what you look like and what you do, but who you are and why you are unique.

Expressive Art Through Portraits

Portraiture is such a unique art form. Its less about the skill of the artists, and more about the personality of the subject.

My job is to understand who you are, who you aspire to be and how you express yourself.

No matter whether the intended audience for the final portrait is one or one thousand, we will work to create an image that is uniquely you.

Me the Photographer

I picked up a camera over 15 years ago. Through school, practice and work I've developed a strong passion for visual storytelling.
I received a B.A. in Anthropology from North Carolina State University. It was my curiosity for those I saw around me and how they move through this world that consumed my time in the classroom, and outside of class it was my passion and drive to document my interactions that sparked my passion in photography.

My work experience includes jobs in photojournalism with newspaper & magazine print media, marketing for creative services and even non-profit leadership. Today I work for my clients by collaborating to create a visual narrative that tells their story.

Me the Father

In 2010 I became a father for the first time and embarked on a journey that has shaped how I see the world, and how I tell the stories of those I meet. I left my job in marketing to become a stay-at-home dad, a job that has shaped my professional development and creative process more than any other through constant challenge and wonder.

What began as a simple gig of bottle feeding and diaper changing grew into another passion of mine - helping other fathers find a community of support and care. At first that started with organizing a small playgroup of men here in Raleigh, NC but eventually grew to running a 501-c-3 non-profit, The National At-Home Dad Network, as Board President.

Me The Volunteer

I left my post at the NAHDN with a much deeper understanding of the power of volunteerism.

The gifts we can give others through the donation of our time are immeasurable and its a value I hold to strongly. While I can always swing a hammer to help build stronger communities, my particular talents behind the lens are what I love to donate the most. A simple, well polished photo can make all the difference to someone trying to move into a job with a living wage, letting a family they've been separated from see they're OK, or marking a milestone in a journey to becoming a better person.

I understand just how crucial the work done by volunteers can be. If you are in need of a skilled photographer and represent a formally structured non-profit organization, I would love to hear from you, and share how I can help.

Feel free to contact me if you'd like use of an image.